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For Colored Girls

Friday 8 December 2017

The Perfect Flat iron

The best Flat iron for Natural hair.
Sometime you  crave that blow in wind hair but you do not want to damage your natural hair at the same time . I recommend this type of Flat iron.

I want your Feedback on what you think works best for you.

Thank you and enjoy

That perfect dress

Creating that perfect piece of Clothing

Sometimes we don’t have that average body types so we don’t usually get that perfect fit. We sometimes pay for expensive clothing that we have to end up altering on so that it fits nicely. I really like going out feeling comfortable in my own sense of style. I really love wearing long dresses because it makes me feel elegant and because I am already 6 ft I usually don’t get my length . I don’t have to wear heels.

Last year I met two incredible mothers who are really good at sewing. I told my friends my problem and they suggested that I tried making my own clothing.

We all need a little encouragement every now and then. Kid President, knowing this, has put together a video you can play each morning as you wake up or to share with your friend who needs a kick in the right direction. Take a moment and spread some encouragement. "It's everybody's duty to give the world a reason to dance

These are 4 benefit of allowing a seamstress to sew your clothing
1 You get to model a unique piece of clothing
2. It is cheaper and definitely affordable depending on your seamstress.
3. Come up with a got to have dress

4. You are in control of your designs 

These are my Favorites


Foundation magic

Are You Fed up of your foundation not match your skin?

I have found a video that is really of Great help.

Have a watch!!

I am waiting to hear your concerns <3 p="">

choosing the best match for skin tone

We as women spend years looking for the best suitable shade of lipstick for our dark lips.
This is a video giving us the knowledge we need to know on choosing our shade to match our tone

Enjoy My Coloured Girls <3 nbsp="" p="">

Dont Forget to Comment!

how to dress for your body type

This is a a really lovely video for girls who are unsure what dress suits their Body type.

Feel Free to comment ! enjoy <3 p="">

Thursday 7 December 2017

black fashion changed over time

A group of diverse people show just how much black fashion has changed over time and its truly something amazing to watch.

A sign of Encouragement

We all need a little encouragement every now and then. Kid President, knowing this, has put together a video you can play each morning as you wake up or to share with your friend who needs a kick in the right direction. Take a moment and spread some encouragement. "It's everybody's duty to give the world a reason to dance

A prayer for Libya

A Prayer for Libya 

Demanded a Ransom, 
Beaten with cables
No phone calls to family members.
Trapped for months and unable to be set free until was able to pay his way home
painful feelings.
all dreams and aspirations left behind.
Witnessing people dying besides you from being beaten to death and mutilated.
he tells his story.

An ordinary town in Libya with folks living their everyday life.
working people, children going to school . families having dinner.
They are being auctioned.These people are being used as slaves the only thing that is missing is the chains on wrist and ankles 

The event is so traumatizing for any human. Boats are filled to a capacity of 100 people with gangs operating in the country. They travel across see not promised to make it alive. The smugglers are concerned with making money.

Ten thousand people often try to cross the borders for better opportunities in Europe.  Leaving everything behind and some selling all they have own to assist with financial in their journey. These refugees have left for better but they are greeted with worse as slaves.

Black protesters have made it there duty to put a stop to it and create awareness worldwide so everyone knows what unimaginable horror that is taking place in Libya .

Lets say a prayer and ask God to put a stop to this horror. for slavery was abolished and our black folks can do without  another cycle.

Miss Universe Jamaica 2017

She was well-poised,elegant, and as regal as any of our historical African queens. Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Nandi to name a few! She sashayed and strutted her way to the top three, confidently and effortlessly as if destined to claim her place as a historical queen whose gait was infused with African and Caribbean rhythms in stark contrast to her Eurocentric counterparts.

She flaunts in her bathing suit with her glowing skin and shape looked like a diet consisted of strictly provision and callaloo. Body toned to the bone. As an individual of African descent you cant helped but smile inwardly as the butterflies in its group storms throughout your body because this beauty changed the perception of what is elegance. She showed the world that natural hair is a blessing and it can be worn at any occasion. Little blacks girls everywhere can now feel proud of their black Afros.
What was so outstanding about Miss Jamaica?
Eurocentric beauty standards seemed to be the characteristics that make a woman a true queen. The
 fact that Jamaica was able to fight to the top without genuflecting to those ideal is nothing else but groundbreaking.

She had a purpose to bridge the gap for those with hearing impairment and her passion to achieve this step shows us all black women that she is truly the winner in our eyes and our Queen at heart. We wish you nothing but success in your future endeavors Miss Jamaica.


Inspirational Monologue